At each equinox, there is a huge shift in energies, making it the perfect time to cleanse and awaken our homes. Now that Mabon has come and gone, the year will begin its descent into the darker half of the year. We will all spend more time indoors, changing our craft and moods. No one enjoys cleaning, but witches know that there is magic in the mundane. How we prepare our homes now can make all the difference in the dark days ahead. So for this process, I like to start with a thorough cleansing of the house.
What is cleansing?
Cleansing is a process that witches do to clean their spaces of negative energies. When people visit, they bring their energy into your home (both good and bad). The same goes for ourselves when we return from work or a trip. Have you ever noticed that when a spouse or child enters your home and is extremely sad or grumpy, the air around you starts to feel that way? Those feelings will linger for days, sometimes weeks if you don't do anything about it.
What can you do? Cleanse!
Before starting the process, be sure to open all the windows. Otherwise, the negative energy can't leave. Think of it as demon parkour. It will just shift from room to room, never leaving. Next, pay attention to the corners of a room, negative energies tend to gravitate there. While you are cleansing, speak out loud and tell the energy that it is not welcome in your home. You're a witch and your words have power. Never hesitate to use it!
Different Types of Cleansing and How to Do It:
Smoke Cleansing
When most witches speak of cleansing, this is what comes to mind. Smoke cleansing involves spreading smoke lit with intention around your home. You can use incense or herb bundles for this. Some witches use a feather to gently sweep the smoke into the area they choose. This can be particularly handy in those pesky corners. As you work to spread the smoke around the room, imagine the negative energy as a dark cloud and the smoke is choking it out. Once finished, you can either toss the ashes outside or you can keep them to use in black salt.
Disclaimer: Smoke cleansing is NOT the same as 'smudging'. All cultures have a version of smoke cleansing but only Indigenous people can 'smudge'. It is a specific ceremony of their people and is part of a closed religion. If you are not trained in the ceremony or not of Indigenous origins, then you 'smoke cleanse'. Imagine someone eating some crackers and saying they are taking communion. It's the same thing. Simply using a white sage bundle does not mean you are qualified to smudge. Take a moment to research what your specific ancestry would have used. My roots are Celtic, so I use common sage and oak moss. I've also used cedar and lemongrass.
Spray Cleansing
If you live in an environment where smoke is not permitted or have sensitive noses, try using a spray cleanser. There are tons of recipes online, but here is the one I use:
1 Spray Bottle
Witch hazel or Florida Water
Hot Water
Lemon Essential Oil or Lemon Juice
Peppermint Essential Oil or fresh Mint Leaves
Pink Himalayan Salt
The measurements of each ingredient depends on the size of your spray bottle. Just keep in mind, the majority of your bottle should be water. I add my ingredients first to ensure they don't fill more than 1/4 of the bottle. Too much essential oils or juices could clog your bottle or leave a sticky mess. Afterward, fill the bottle with hot water. Use this spray exactly as you would smoke cleansing, going from room to room.
Floor Sweeps
This is a fun one, especially if you have little ones! Pick herbs that signify protection such as basil, rosemary, and salt, and gently spread them around on your floors. Let them linger on the floor for 5-10 minutes then sweep up your home. Imagine the negative energy getting stuck to your herbs as you use your broom in a counterclockwise motion to banish them. When you're finished, sweep all the dirt out your door. Little ones love helping and can be quite enthusiastic sweepers. If you live in an apartment complex where you can't sweep dirt out the front door, simply dump the herbs and negative energy into a paper towel. Roll the towel up into a ball so the energy can't get out, run it under a faucet to seal the negative energy in, and throw it into the trash.
Sound Cleansing
This is my favorite method. Sound cleansing uses sound frequencies to break up negativity. Using a bell, drum, or clapping your hands, go room to room making noises to disrupt the negative energy. I use a bell, but sometimes I bring out a small wind chime if I feel the energy isn't too heavy. If you are interested in using Solfeggio Frequencies to cleanse your home, make sure to sign up for my newsletter. I have a free printable grimoire page all about the different sound waves and what they are used for.
Wake Up Your Home
Even after you cleanse your home, sometimes it can still feel a little 'off'. After working with my home's energy for years, I began to realize when she was sluggish and just needed to be woken up. There are a couple of ways to do this. Cleaning, and more specifically dusting, can do amazing wonders for the vibrations of your home. So can cooking or opening the blinds to let the sunlight in. The biggest difference, however, comes when you rearrange the furniture. Have you ever moved a chair or swapped out a pillowcase and suddenly the whole room just feels different? Changes are a great way to wake your home up. Just be sure not to change too much without warning your home. Some spirits can get upset if you don't converse with them before a big renovation. (I'm looking at you, La Bella 'Mbriana).
