Goddess Work Series #1
This first week is dedicated to affirmations. What is an affirmation? An Affirmation is a thought repeated enough times that it becomes embedded in our unconscious thoughts. Eventually, it becomes truth, whether it is a positive or negative thought. As an example, if you were raised by a parent who viewed body weight in a negative light, you're more likely to have heard phrases such as "She would be so pretty if she'd only lose weight" or "she'll never find a husband if she keeps gaining weight." These phrases program little girls' minds to believe that body image is the whole sum of their worth. Body image is completely subjective to the culture that you grow up in. Beauty standards aren't the truth, but learned beliefs that are trained into us by the repetition of affirmations. Sometimes your dreams were weighed down by the village that was supposed to nurture you. However, by using the same process, a majority of negative thoughts and behaviors can be retrained into positive ones.
How Our Negative Thinking Hurts Our Inner Goddess
I have a hard time with mornings. Instead of waking up happy to be alive and grateful for my many blessings, I wake up feeling like crud. I want to go back to sleep. I'm hungry and cranky. I don't want to exercise in any form and then immediately feel guilty and tell myself, "and that's why you're fat." Day in and day out, I let these thoughts rule me. By demoralizing myself, I'm also demoralizing my inner goddess. She thrives on love and joy, but negative energies will slowly tamper her flame. This spirit inside of me is a reflection of myself. If I'm always negative of myself and allow the thoughts of others to rule my mind and heart, I won't listen to my intuition or acknowledge my own divine gifts.
The same applies to you. What have you felt called to do, but you allowed self-doubt to block you from achieving? Perhaps you want to learn a second language, but the little voice in your head keeps telling you that you're not smart enough. Or try sewing your own clothing only to feel clumsy and uncoordinated. There's one phrase I want to stress to you: if you are feeling called, there is a reason. We don't have an urge or desire to create something aimlessly. If you have a repeating desire for knowledge or creation, then it is there to soothe your soul or inspire your mind. Listen to your inner goddess; she is trying to help you live your most fulfilling life.
How I Plan to Heal My Divine Feminine
For the next week, I want to try something different. Each night before I go to bed, I will write a positive affirmation on a Post-it note and stick it to my bathroom mirror. In the morning, I will repeat this affirmation at least ten times before I even brush my teeth. Each time I use the restroom during the day, I will repeat the affirmation while washing my hands. Then, before bed, I will say it again before writing a fresh affirmation for the next day. This constant repetition may feel silly at first, but eventually, these words will start to feel more and more real. That's the goal. We want to say these so many times that they start to feel second nature.
Feel free to use any of the provided affirmations or make up some of your own. All of the affirmations listed can also be found in printable images below. Feel free to print or Pin these where you can see them often.
I love myself unconditionally.
I am a divine goddess by simply existing.
I honor the goddess within by loving myself unconditionally.
I honor the goddess within me and inside others.
My beauty is unique and soul-deep.
My energy is sacred, and I choose what to use it for wisely.
I use my divine energy to inspire and uplift others.
I love lavishing attention and care to my body.
I am a sensual being who is desirable.
I am comfortable in my own body.
I receive gifts graciously because I deserve them.
My thoughts are filled with positivity.
I honor the cycles in my life.
The more love I give, the more I receive.
I surround myself with loving people.
I listen to my intuition and respect its guidance.
I am open to knowledge and personal growth.
I anchor myself in the present.
I am in touch with my emotions and allow myself to feel them.
I create healthy boundaries and stick to them.
My life is a sacred journey that is full of wonder and surprises.
I am capable of being strong and delicate at the same time.
I am both playful and protective.
My heart is full of compassion and love.
I radiate healing energy.
I stir the energy of every room I enter.
My life is overflowing with abundance and joy.
Goddess Work Series Quick Links
24 Affirmations for your Inner Goddess