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Writer's pictureTiffany

Lazy Witchcraft: Simple witchcraft when you're not feeling magical.

Updated: Oct 29, 2022

Tell me if this sounds familiar to you. There are days when I'm so busy that I barely remember to eat, much less perform magical workings. On other days I have enough time but I just hit a wall. I have no motivation or desire to connect with my magic. And you know what? That's ok. I'm a witch, but I'm also human. I'm not performing spells 24/7 and I don't live in a magically curated home that is always ready for Instagram. (I wish!) For the first few years that I was practicing, I felt guilty if a week or two went by that I wasn't active; especially in the winter when I became more depressed. Then I started giving myself reminders: "Your spirituality is your own and no one else's. You don't need to conform to someone else's craft or timetables." "Do what feels right for you. If you don't like large overly complicated spells, make smaller works." On and on, I kept banishing negative thoughts until I created my own witchcraft practice that feels perfect for me. There are still days that I don't feel like working on my craft, and that's okay. I now incorporate magic into my world in a slower, simpler way and it works for me. Continue reading below as I share my tips that might help you, too!

Embrace the Mundane with Intention

Instead of forcing yourself to make complicated spells, how about just adding simple intentions to your daily activities? A witch's intention is the most powerful tool that they wield. Without intention, the most complicated spell can backfire or just flop. So, inspect your daily routine and think about what you can do with a little intention. If you drink coffee first thing in the morning, stir it clockwise while imagining a light of pure energy radiating from your coffee. While you drink, feel that warm light gently absorbing into your body and filling your muscles with energy. There, ta-dah! You've already completed one spell. Simple, right? Next, how about taking a shower? Using visualization again, imagine all the negativity being washed off your body and going down the drain. Send all the tiredness or moodiness down with it. It's that simple to do witchcraft. Focus on what you want and visualize it happening. That's all it takes to make a great spell. Modern witches get so caught up in the theatrics of TikTok and Instagram that they sometimes forget that there is power in simplicity. Embrace that simplicity!

Double Duty with Audio

There's truth to that old saying "You don't know what you have til it's gone." We seem to live our lives always rushing to the next part. If it's Monday, we focus on just getting to Friday. If we have a commute to work, our only focus is to get in front of the next car or get through the next traffic light. I get it. I used to have an hour commute to get to work and sometimes a two-hour commute to get home. It can be frustrating. But how about changing our mindset while we drive? During the same time you normally take commuting, you could be learning something new.

I love to listen to witchcraft podcasts in the car, especially funny ones that keep me entertained. You can also add audio witchcraft to other areas, such as boring cleaning tasks like dishes or laundry. I keep headphones readily available around the house so I can just plug into witchy goodness and plug out of boring life. As a solitary witch, it does double duty for me. It helps me feel connected to my witchcraft and the larger witchcraft community. I often want to research deeper into their topics or try out some workings they mention. If you're not into podcasts, you can also download audiobooks of your favorite witchy topics. If you have a kindle unlimited subscription, many books have free audio versions as well.

Practice Gratitude

One of the ways witches can bond with spirits, deities, ancestors, the universe, etc. is through daily prayer and gratitude. No matter who you raise your soul to, they would love to hear your thankfulness for your gifts. This can be such a small but powerful change in a witch's life. When you have to do the dishes, instead of thinking about how awful and boring it is (can you tell that I hate doing dishes? haha) you can focus on the blessing it is. Wait, what? Blessing?! Yes, I say blessing because there were probably some ancestors in your family line that didn't have enough to eat. Even having hot water to wash your dishes is something to be thankful for. You're washing dishes because you just ate a meal without having to go hunting for it or build a fire to cook it. Say a simple thank you to the universe and those that came before you as you are washing your dishes. If you get into this habit, you'll not only feel closer to your ancestors, but you might even be okay with washing the dishes. If you usually journal before bed, take a moment to write down one simple sentence about something you were grateful for. This doesn't take much more time but it will align you spiritually before drifting off to sleep.

Involve Sigil Magic

Sigil magic is an easy way to work magic into your daily routine. Sigils are simple symbols that mean something to YOU. There are many different ways to create sigils and tons of YouTube videos to walk you through the process. Pick a style that resonates with you and create a few of your own. While you're in the shower, draw a sigil in the steam on your shower door or mirror that states what you wish the day to hold such as "joy" or "patience". If you wear makeup, perhaps draw a sigil on the back of your eye shadow palette that means "I will see myself as I truly am." Or perhaps draw a sigil on your lipstick case that means "I will speak confidently." There are tons of ways you can choose to use this. If you're not a makeup type of person, how about making a sigil to write on the bottom of your shoes that means "safety" for when you're away from home? Or add a small piece of paper to your wallet with a sigil that means "I attract money." If you love cooking, try drawing a sigil into dough or pie crust that means "health" for everyone that eats it. The opportunities are countless and every time you use these items you will be performing simple magic.

Throw Some Herbs

Herbs are such helpful little guys. No matter what you're doing, adding herbs can turn anything witchy. Taking care to select the perfect herbal tea and slowing down to make the moment sacred is a form of witchcraft. (Click HERE for a guide to reading tea leaves) Cooking dinner? Look at all the edible herbs you can add and what their properties are. Do you need protection or wealth? Add Basil. Are you looking to add some love or lust? Add Cinnamon. Want to focus on health and joy? Oregano. There are limitless possibilities. Even if you're not cooking, you can add herbs. Try placing a small sachet of lavender under your pillow at night to help you sleep. If you're burning candles or incense, add some herbs that are safe to burn. Please research to be sure they aren't harmful to pets or children. You can even do something as simple as pouring a bowl of sea salt. The sea salt will absorb any negative energy floating around your home.

Light a Candle

Candles just scream magic to me and with stores such as Dollar Tree, they are also relatively cheap. On days I don't feel like doing a lot of crafting, I rely heavily on candle magic. I will place a small tea light in front of my grandmother's picture while I cook. It's my simple way of thanking my ancestors and letting them know that I'm not forgetting them while not doing much. If you're doing a bit of gratitude for the day, you can place a small votive on your stovetop to remind yourself that you no longer have to cook over an open flame. If you feel like adding an extra bit of oomph, carve words or sigils into your candle that align with your purpose. To do a simple prosperity spell, grab a Bay Leaf and write something on it such as "prosperity" "success" or "financial security". Then light the leaf with the candle and allow it to burn in a fire-safe dish. Keep your mind focused on your purpose until the bay leaf has burned out. Ta-dah! All done!


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