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Tarot #11 - Justice

Updated: Jun 18

UPRIGHT: Fairness, Honesty, Integrity, Karma, Justice

REVERSED: Dishonesty, Injustice, Unfairness

The Justice Tarot Card Description

(Description based on the original Smith-Waite tarot card)

On the Justice tarot card, we see Lady Justice in front of two pillars, similar to the ones we viewed on the High Priestess and Hierophant tarot cards. These dual columns represent balance, a crucial element in our lives. This balance is mirrored in the scales she holds in her left hand, a visual representation of intuition and the careful weighing of our choices. In Justice's left hand, she brandishes a sword that represents using our decisions to take action. The double-edge is a constant reminder that all of our choices have consequences. In the original Smith-Waite tarot, Lady Justice's foot peaks beneath her robes as another reminder of the consequences of our choices.

The Justice Tarot Card Upright

The previous ten tarot cards were all about gaining knowledge and then using that knowledge to make decisions. The Justice Tarot card is all about the repercussions of those decisions. Lady Justice embodies karmic justice, legal issues, and causality. If you've been struggling with legal problems, Justice is a very positive card to draw, suggesting that your legal troubles will be resolved fairly. With its emphasis on truth and integrity, you may feel a strong urge to be honest and seek honesty in others. Justice highlights the theme of karma. This karma is not about punishment for past mistakes but about learning lessons you have chosen for this lifetime. Lastly, this tarot card can also indicate a decision point where you must carefully weigh your options. No matter which choice you make, consciously strive for stability and balance.

If Justice appears in a career reading, it calls attention to the balance of work and home life. While financial stability is important, don't neglect your well-being and loved ones. Lady Justice can also suggest the need to manage your finances with integrity. If you behave ethically in business, you will be rewarded. This card is also a positive sign for considering a calculated risk.

If you pull the Justice tarot card in a love drawing and are single, this card might personify a relationship with someone who works with the law, such as a judge or lawyer. Since the scales of Justice are associated with Libra, this card might also foretell of a Libra entering your life. If you ended a relationship and felt betrayed or treated unfairly, Justice will bring balance back in the form of a new, more loving partner. If you're in a relationship, the meaning of justice depends on your actions and those of your partner. Honest behavior will lead to harmony and greater commitment. However, dishonesty or infidelity will be exposed, and justice will be served. 

Pulling the Justice tarot card regarding health indicates that your life's imbalances may contribute to health issues. It advises moderation and warns against overindulgence. Strive to maintain a balanced lifestyle for better health. 

The Justice Tarot Card Reversed

When the Justice card appears in its polarity, it can indicate injustice or a refusal to face consequences. You might feel unfairly treated or victimized by others' actions. Even if you're not to blame, weighing your responses carefully is important. This card can also signal that someone is trying to avoid the consequences of their actions. If you've acted in a way you know is dishonest, take responsibility rather than blame others. Learning from these experiences will make you wiser. Lady Justice can highlight an uncompromising or prejudiced view, whether yours or someone else's. In legal matters, this card warns of potential unfairness in the outcome.

In a relationship, Justice reversed often points to lies or cheating. If you've been unfaithful or dishonest, expect significant repercussions. You might feel treated unfairly or unequally. Focus on your role in the relationship and consider whether you are being fair before blaming your partner. Try to learn from the situation regardless of who is wrong or right. If you're single, Justice reversed indicates you might not have learned necessary lessons from past relationships, which could affect your current chances at love. This card also suggests you lack balance in relationships, allowing you to be swept away and lose your sense of self. Strive for a healthy balance between your love life and personal life. 

In a career context, Justice reversed suggests unfair treatment at work, such as being blamed for others' mistakes or facing sabotage. Reacting to the situation hastily will harm rather than help. Instead, take a logical approach to resolve issues. If you've acted unethically in your career, this behavior may catch up with you. Acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them to gain respect. Justice warns of a lack of work-life balance in its upright position, but we see this double in its negative polarity. Financially, avoid risky investments, as they are unlikely to pay off. Exercise caution in financial dealings. Nothing is as it appears, and deceit is present. 

Justice reversed in a health reading emphasizes the need for balance even more strongly than its upright position. Too much work or play can lead to health issues, so prioritize self-care and moderation. Spiritually, Justice reversed indicates you might be avoiding important life lessons. The universe sends these lessons to help you grow; ignoring them can lead to more significant challenges. Learn your lessons quickly to avoid unnecessary turmoil. Use this time to connect with your higher self and rise above your circumstances.


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