UPRIGHT: New Perspectives, Pause, Surrender
REVERSED: Delays, Indecision, Powerless, Resistance

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Description
(Description based on the original Smith-Waite tarot card)
The Hanged Man shows a man suspended from a wooden T-shaped cross. The horizontal branch represents the linear life we all live (life to death). The vertical branch diverts away and is focused on the spiritual realm and our inner consciousness. The Hanged Man is hanging upside-down, which represents gaining a different perspective. Even though he's hanging upside down, the Hanged Man is calm because he chose this himself. He has a halo around his head, symbolizing enlightenment. We will see this halo again in the Temperance card. His right foot is tied to the tree, but his left remains free, bent at the knee. His hands are tied behind his back.
The Hanged Man Tarot Card Upright
The Hanged Man card advises that sometimes pausing is necessary before moving forward. Sometimes, this pause can be a self-imposed time of reflection, and other times, the universe steps in with obstacles to force you to take a time out. The card urges you to release outdated beliefs and behaviors to gain a new perspective, which can reveal hidden opportunities. When you sense the need to pause, embrace it as a chance to reevaluate your path and prepare for new possibilities.
When The Hanged Man appears in a Tarot reading, it signals an unexpected halt in your projects or activities. Your goals will be suspended, just as the Hanged Man is suspended. This period of suspension is an invitation to change your perspective and routine, which might mean putting important projects on hold. Although it may be inconvenient, this pause is essential for your growth and the smooth flow of new opportunities. Accepting and flowing with your current circumstances rather than resisting them will help you move past feeling stuck and open up to new energies and perspectives.
The Hanged Man Tarot Card Reversed
The Hanged Man card, in reverse, signifies a period where you feel like you're sacrificing a lot of time without any reward. No matter how hard you try, you spin your tires, getting nowhere. Now is the time for action.
In romance, the reversed Hanged Man suggests that the waiting period is over. Your love life may have slowed down recently, allowing you to reflect on your romantic goals. Hopefully, you understand exactly what you want from a relationship now. With this new perspective, you're ready to make changes in your romantic life with renewed energy. However, be cautious of making unnecessary sacrifices for love. Ensure your needs and your partner's needs are balanced.
At work, the reversed Hanged Man indicates that your sacrifices might not pay off. If you've changed career paths, taken time off for retraining, or sacrificed family time for work, things may be going differently than planned. It might feel like these changes weren't worth it. This card can also suggest that you're stalling for time, unsure of what to do next, leading to procrastination and a feeling of powerlessness or stagnation. The reverse Hanged Man is the kick in the pants that you need. Stop stalling and start taking action.
In money matters, if you've been considering a major purchase or investment, your indecision might prevent you from taking the next step. This card can also imply that your investments are not yielding returns. This doesn't only refer to traditional investments; you lent money for a family member's education, but they dropped out or invested in a failed side hustle. This card has a sense of wasted sacrifice; let these experiences guide your future decisions.
