UPRIGHT: Balance, Harmony, Integration, Patience
REVERSED: Excess, Extremes, Impulsive

Temperance Tarot Card Description
(Description based on the original Smith-Waite tarot card)
The Temperance tarot card features a gender-neutral angel, neither male nor female. They stand with one foot submerged in water and one foot dry on land, once again emphasizing the duality of the card. In their hands, we see two golden cups. The angel is pouring water from one cup to the other to blend the two together in perfect harmony. However, notice that the water flows horizontally, showing that magic is afoot. In the background, the viewer sees mountains, which symbolize the challenges and triumphs of life's journey.
Temperance Tarot Card Upright
The cards we have discovered in the Major Arcana thus far have been cards of action and higher learning. Compared to those, the Temperance card can seem quite boring. Balance is the word that comes to mind when I pull the Temperance card. Everything about the Temperance card's imagery is about balancing energies. The angel is neither male nor female but a blend of the two. They are neither fully in the water nor on land. It's all about finding a middle ground in our situation. Refrain from making rash decisions or rocking the boat.
The Temperance card can also signify that you are fully at peace with yourself. Life, relationships, and work are harmonious. Moderation is key in life. You've mastered your vices, blending fun with healthy choices. This card often depicts soulmates or an amazing relationship in a love drawing. The lovers are a perfect blend of commitment, compromise, and love. At work, Temperance is all about being patient. If a promotion or new job offer is what you're looking for, don't jump at the first offer. Carefully make your decision. Remember, don't make hasty decisions! Patience is your ally in this journey.
Temperance Tarot Card Reversed
Temperance upright is all about balance; therefore, it is no surprise that Temperance reversed is all about imbalance. When this card appears in a reading, it's a gentle reminder to check for any areas in your life where you might be overindulging or acting impulsively. Perhaps you're gravitating towards unhealthy behaviors or negative people. Drama is everywhere you turn, and you can't get away. Your inner peace is nowhere to be found.
In love drawings, Temperance reversal for a couple indicates that one party feels like they are giving more love and respect than is getting returned. Perhaps you're arguing, and neither of you is willing to compromise. If you're single, Temperance's negative polarity can show that you're jumping in too quickly on first dates. You're coming across as too eager, too soon. When this card appears in a career drawing, you aren't balancing work and life well. There may also be some friction between colleagues. Take a moment to recenter yourself. Find your balance and think objectively. Actively listen to those around you and find a compromise.
