UPRIGHT: Chaos, Destruction, Disaster, Sudden Change, Upheaval
REVERSED: Delaying the Inevitable, Resisting Change
The Tower Tarot Card Description
(Description based on the original Smith-Waite tarot card)
The Tower tarot card shows a tower built on a rocky cliff. This cliff alludes to grand plans constructed on an unstable foundation or false promises. With only one bolt of lightning, the Tower is toppling over. Two figures jump from the windows, seeking to escape the turmoil, unaware of what awaits them.
The Tower Tarot Card Upright
When you see tarot in the movies, you will likely see the death or devil cards being pulled with ominous background music playing. If you know anything about tarot, the Tower is the big baddie. This tarot card is the one we all shiver with dread to pull. This card isn't just about a little frustration. Oh no. This card is about complete chaos and upheaval. If you pull this in a drawing, prepare as much as possible. Your life, as you know it, is about to do a 360.
The Tower is change in its strongest, most abrupt form. This change might be losing a loved one, a job, or a home. Something drastic is coming, and you can do nothing to stop it. The only silver lining to this card is where you land. Usually, you will find yourself in a better position after the debris has settled. Change is the only thing constant in life, and the Tower card is here to remind you.
The Tower Tarot Card Reversed
The Tower tarot card in its reversed position can signify two different outcomes: you've narrowly avoided danger, or you're putting off the inevitable. If you think you've avoided danger, inspect your life closely. What can you do differently in the future to prevent this again? On the other hand, if you're just putting off the inevitable, now is the time to stop and face your fears. Yes, things might be uncomfortable, but it's always easier to face things on your own terms than to let the universe do it for you. Face your fears and embrace change.