UPRIGHT: Action, Awakening, Judgement, Renewal, Rebirth
REVERSED: Blame, Destruction, Doubt, Inner Critic

The Judgement Tarot Card Description
(Description based on the original Smith-Waite tarot card)
On the Judgement tarot card, we see the angel Gabriel floating in the sky and carrying a horn decorated with the flag for success. He calls the earthly souls to begin the final judgment as the Lord's messenger. Below him, the men, women, and children all rise from the graves with their arms outstretched. Ready to accept their fates. In the background, we see a mountain range that signifies great obstacles that will prevent anyone from escaping their judgment.
The Judgement Tarot Card Upright
In the Judgement tarot card image, we see people rising from graves with their arms outstretched. This rebirth is the overall theme for Judgement. We've learned from our past mistakes and trials; we can collectively step forward into new roles aligning with our higher power. The Judgement card can appear in a reading to show you that you're getting close to a major decision in your life. Put all that gained knowledge towards the most beneficial outcome and move forward confidently.
In career, the Judgement tarot card can signify that you are being evaluated for a promotion. Use your intuition and act honorably. You are being watched and judged right now. In a health reading, Judgement is a positive card revealing that the hardships are past and recovery has begun. The Judgement card in a relationship reading indicates that you or your partner might be judging the other harshly. Don't rush to put the blame on your significant other. Instead, talk things out with honest communication and an open heart.
The Judgement Tarot Card Reversed
The Judgement tarot card can be pointing towards the same major life change as in its upright state, but its reverse state signifies that you are paralyzed with doubt and uncertainty. Perhaps you're afraid to step into a more powerful role or spotlight. Don't let fear hold you back! You have to seize this opportunity. It's time for a new you with a better outlook. You've worked hard to learn what you and now is the time to put it into action.
In its reverse polarity, the Judgement tarot card can reflect the dangers of office gossip. You don't want to fall into that trap. All that awaits in the end is drama and a ruined reputation. On the other hand, you can be pointing that judging finger at yourself to the delight of your harsh inner critic. You need to take a step away and refocus yourself. Try doing affirmations and talking to yourself in a more positive voice.
The malicious gossip can carry over to your relationship spread. In reverse, Judgement can indicate that you or your partner might be falling victim to the rumor mill. If you're single, you might be running away from a perfectly good relationship out of fear.
