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Tarot - #3 - The Empress

Updated: Jun 18

UPRIGHT: Abundance, Creativity, Femininity, Nature

REVERSED: Self-Care, Controlling, Uninspired

Introduction to The Empress Tarot Card

The Empress is a beautiful blonde woman with a peaceful aura. Her golden hair symbolizes the sun shining, abundance, and life force. She is often depicted as pregnant or physically luscious and sits upon a luxurious array of cushions and flowing red velvet. One pillow features the symbol of Venus – the essence of The Empress. She is often portrayed sitting in front of lush greenery, forests, and flowing rivers, symbolic of fertility and life. The Empress is perfect for the #3 tarot card because she is the life-giving mother pregnant with the next generation, creating the ultimate trinity of Father, Mother, and Child.

The Empress Upright

We recently discussed that the High Priestess is ethereal feminine - wisdom, radiance, purity – similar to moon goddesses like Artemis and Diana. The Empress is the other coin to feminity - sensuality, fertility, creative expression, nurturing – akin to the goddesses Venus or Demeter. She is Mother Earth herself. When the Empress card is drawn, you are being called to embrace your feminine energy by experiencing life's pleasures and expressing yourself creatively. This creative push may be in the form of a new hobby. Perhaps delve deeper into a current passion with an instructor or mentor.

At the Empress's feet, wheat grows plentiful. The gold of the grain and her hair reflect the Empress's abundance and fruitfulness. This card reminds you that you are surrounded by prosperity. Take a moment to express gratitude for where you are and what you have been given. Better yet, take this gratitude meditation outdoors. The Empress is Mother Earth in the major arcana. Go outside and marvel at the beauty around you. Even in the coldest concrete jungles, nature creates new ways to adapt and thrive.

Since the Empress is Mother Earth's energy, you may want to care for others. You feel fulfillment when giving compassion and support to others; this can be literal by taking on the care of a child or parent. Similarly, the Empress can symbolize pregnancy, childbirth, or the birth of a creative endeavor, which can all be nurtured with love and support.

The Empress Reversed

You can't pour from an empty cup. The Empress reversed is a sign that you've been giving too much without thought to yourself. It's time to focus on self-care and self-love. This self-love needs to extend to your body image. The Empress is sensuality and the lusciousness of woman. Embrace your womanly body and revel in your curves.

In love, you may be controlling your relationship to the point that it has shifted to one of parent and child. Take a breath and focus on yourself. It would be best if you gained more independence. Relationships only thrive when there is trust and love in equal measure. Trust that your partner will meet you halfway and give them the space to do so.

When it comes to creativity, this is the sign of a creative block. You're overthinking things and letting worry prevent you from gifting the world with your energy. Stop worrying about the opinions of others, and allow your creative juices to flow.


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