UPRIGHT: Authority, Leadership, Protection
REVERSED: Immaturity, Toxic Masculinity
The Emperor Tarot Card Description
The Emperor tarot card is ruled by Aries and is bathed in zodiac symbolism: the red cloth he wears and the rams carved into his throne. The robe he wears symbolizes that he is draped with authority. His throne is not in a royal court surrounded by officials but out in nature, showing that his power comes from within. In his right hand, The Emperor holds an ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life, and in his left is an orb representing the world over which he rules.
The Emperor Upright
The Emperor tarot card is the consort to the Empress card. Some scholars believe that the Emperor and Empress tarot cards are the Magician and High Priestess after marriage. The name Emperor comes from *perə-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "defense, protection against; that which protects from." While the Empress is about pleasure, the Emperor is about order and reason. The Empress is the great mother, and the Emperor is the divine father. The world works best when the two cards work together in harmony and balance.
The Emperor is a leader and a doer. When you get this card, be assured that you see the world as it is. You have the authority to take care of things and use your powers positively. He is not easily swayed or influenced. Do not hesitate to make tough decisions and take responsibility with thoughtfulness and wisdom.
Sometimes, he is referred to as the architect because he solidly lays the foundations for future generations. Tap into the structures and processes in your life and the lives of others to grow something better for the future. Commit to protecting others and yourself.
The Emperor Reversed
When reversed, the Emperor is unable to see the situation clearly. It is a sign that you are being deceived. All negative masculine qualities are present: anger, machismo, war-hungry, and irrationality. You are not ruling your home from the right frame of mind. The Emperor's reverse can also symbolize someone abusing power, either you or someone close to you: a bad teacher or an unfair boss.
It can also denote immaturity. You are feeling the burden of responsibility. Perhaps someone in your life is not self-sufficient and is becoming a weight for you. If you are trying to make a plan or new business venture, this polarity can be a warning that you don't have the resources or authority needed at this time to make those dreams a reality. When you receive the Emperor reversed, take a step back from the situation and regroup. Do you have everything you need, or should you spend more time gathering resources? It might be wise to relinquish your power to someone else for the greater good.
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